Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Editorial Team
As we stand at the threshold of the next year for Blue Lotus, let's hope this convergenge of the new team yeilds the best results.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tough times never last, but tough people do! We together have come through and are now at the threshold of a new dawn, eagerly and expectantly anticipating the future. There were hard times not just for us but for every corporate living the same fate. What was different was how we took it in our stride and consistently moved on.
There were quite a few ups and downs the year around. Ironically, the company saw quite a new starts this year. Like the conceptualization and the inception of the already successfully running i9, Blue Lotus’ Communications firm handling the entertainment segment. It was conceptualized with the aim to cater to the lifestyle and entertainment segment of the industry. It has gradually acquired the big bulls with the likes of Paramount Airways, Vinsura Wines, SIL, Dream 11, to name a few.
Internally, the year also saw the expansion of teams with Ahmedabad and Chennai getting new team leaders. This supplemented the region with the needed impetus to the teams.
It was not all work and no play at Blue Lotus. The concept and execution of a Freaky Friday every month was very well received by all the branches. This could be gauged by the healthy participation of one and all alike. What it also brought was not just the team bonding, but camaraderie among members of different teams, strengthening and facilitating the smooth work flow between teams.
The best encouragement for the year was not just slowly but consistently bagging clients, but bagging the biggies. These ‘neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride’ critical accounts were YBG, Bajaj Alliance, and Paramount.
The market scenario forced many companies to levy pay cuts and exercise lay-offs. But unlike other companies, Blue Lotus not just boldly survived the odds but also managed to provide employees with their Performance Appraisals. The prevailing conditions would not have allowed any other company to even think of a pay raise. All this at the sumptuous PA party enjoyed by all.
The frantic year ends with the preparation for the annual BLUES awards. Like every year, the beginning of 2010 will see Blue Lotus start the year with a bang. This bang comes in the form of the BLUES blast. A good time to reflect on the past seven years, conjure and converge the experiences and surge ahead into the nascent year.
Let’s enter this new year of resurgence with the spirited BLUES and forge ahead to make our dreams real!
Reminiscence of the year for bluebytes
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try” – this has always been the way we do our things in bluebytes.
Innovation has always been part of our DNA right since the inception. Now when I reflect back on the year, this has probably helped us wade through the difficult times. In the year where the economy went in a tailspin, bluebytes still managed to grow at 64% (YOY), though of course, we were aiming to reach much higher.
Bluebytes is relatively a new entrant in the field of standalone media monitoring agencies (effectively, 3 years old). To our credit we have been redefining this space within such a short time, so much so, that our competitors are now forced to offer comparative solutions to the clients.
All this is being made possible by the army of dedicated byters who work tirelessly and always aim to reach higher levels of service quality. Much of this credit belongs to Prakash and the entire ops team, who at times work under challenging demands and conditions. We are amongst the very few agencies that maintain timeliness, accuracy and relevancy of news delivered to our clients. This has resulted in retaining almost all our direct clients even when budgets were getting slashed elsewhere.
Our innovative ideas are brought to life by our software team led by Laxman and Bhushan. Truly speaking their efforts are making life easy for PR professionals. Media Analysis, bluebytes trends and business news are some of the contributions in recent times.
Half way through the year our sales team was strengthened with the joining in of Irfan. With few clients already under his belt, there are promises of many more to come.
Trying never stops in bluebytes and we try out new ideas all the time- new offerings, new delivery methods, new ways of reaching out to our prospects and many more. Bluebytes event finder beta version is already launched and there are few more sweet surprises for our clients in the next year. So watch this space.
The Real New-kid-on-the-block
One experiences no difficulty in walking in the direction in which the wind blows. But, how obscured becomes ones’ path when one decides to break common practices and venture out on a new road? “It took me more than 6 months and a lot of sweat and toil to land my first client”, says Subhash Pais, the Big Daddy of the New Kid on the Block; No, I am not talking about the 80s American Pop group, but the ‘POP’ular - i9 Communications.
Something that started off as a dinner table conversation between some great minds of Blue Lotus ended up as an idea - An idea, which after a year, already has a precedent of its own, and has quite transformed itself into a Culture - A Culture called i9.
Coming from the Blue Lotus Umbrella, it was difficult to break from the traditional Corporate, Finance, Healthcare and Technology segments and penetrate into fragments unknown in the history of Blue Lotus. Yet, we chose the beats - the consumerist Consumer, the desirable Lifestyle, the glamorous Entertainment and the welcoming Hospitality – which together, today defines what we are.
In March 2009, after 6 months of conceptualization (and after a considerable expend of Subhash’s sweat!!), the first client to come our way was Dream 11, a fantasy gaming portal. Team Rustic, a Talent Management firm, also came through and signed us. During the same time, SIL too happened and all this in the first week of March itself.
But, who is to be crowned first client in the realm of i9? Well, Dream11 expressed interest first but signed the contract only in the last week of March. Team Rustic paid us first but SIL, with its Jam and Ketchup Bottles (a jealously guarded privilege of i9!!) signed the contract before anybody! Phew!! The line of accession to being the first client looks so fierce and muddled that even Mouli Sir, the Biggest Daddy, seems to have given up.
Amongst other crucial developments within i9, and a swing of ups and downs, the year also witnessed the formation of the team – Team i9. A relatively young and vibrant set of wheels constantly keeping i9 on the upward trend! The period beginning in March and ending in October saw the assembling of the squadron - Sameer, Wayne, Petrina, I, Anjum and last but not at all the least, Pournima with whom the ring of i9 was completed.
With already having celebrated an anniversary, i9 now has one of the most coveted clients in its kitty – DHL Lemuir Logistics, Vinsura Vineyards, Paramount Airways along with the steady – Team Rustic and SIL. And we strive to get better each day, every day.
So after a year, if you ask us - do we believe that we can be a match for other ‘BIGGIES’ in the industry? Well, it’s a question we have asked ourselves for quite sometime, and we do acknowledge that the other ‘BIGGIES’ have some value. So, WE ACCEPT THEM AS EQUALS! Wink!!
Turning Odds into Even!
When the going gets tough, the Tough gets going…no more is this just a song; for the Mustardian it’s a reality and I am glad we are living it with success.
Turning tables is indeed no less than rocket science; it takes a pinch of determination, a bundle of passion, a fuming anger to prove oneself and lastly a lot of support from all corners to make the impossible turn possible. The year 2009 was a ‘happening’ year for us at Mustard, the beginning looked like the dry winters; but with time the summer took its lead and as the heat rose beyond limits, we saw the pillars on which vested the support of the team, take a bow and bid us good bye.
January, February, March and April…we hardly saw work flowing in, although the zeal to achieve and the quest to capture still ruled our minds. The month of May brought new hope in Mustard with the entry of our new business head ‘Piyush Jain’, with whom we planned from scratch, we spoke work, we went out hunting and although most of the time coming back empty except for a baggage of learning; and with this started a new chapter in the life of Mustard.
The year was no less than a roller coaster ride, we had our highs in the moment of a handshake with Mr. Yash Birla; lows in the moments when even our efforts could not fetch us the Birla account. We worked our guts outs functioning round the clock to bag the Emami account and had a long face when even that did not bear us fruits…these were not failures but they were experiences that we would cherish for years to come (until the day we in reality bag these accounts), the learning from the series of failures was that ‘the right time to eye the top notches’ had yet not arrived. We rose again and this time we found victory in the medium size players like a travel service provider for whom we coined an image called ‘encircle’. ‘encircle’ was a great learning and also a great achievement for us, which saw our creative juices flowing and ultimately the chemical reaction of all the juices combined with the hard work was the birth of an international brand which is working wonders in terms of sales for the client. If incase you are travelling and you get to grab a Kingfisher or the Jet airways magazine do look for the ‘encircle’ ad, it’s our creation.
Finally the stars took us to the notice of some international clients, one of whom we already are working with is ‘Yes Façade’, an Israel based client specializing in Italian doors and windows, we are now their agency on board, creating an introduction for their brand in India. Our efforts to extend our wings further to Bahrain and UK are consistent and our enthusiasm to welcome both is also on the hook.
The year began with empty hands and just one consistent client - Blue Lotus; but today, thank the stars or thank Piyush or Charlie’s angels that we are hands full - ‘Asian Paints’ wants us, ‘Encircle’ wants us, ‘Lapox’ wants us, the likes of ‘Edentulous Support Society’ and ‘Just For Hearts’ want us, ‘Yes Façade’ wants us and WE as usual Hungry for more.
The moral of our story is behind even odd there is an even…yet we have a long long way to go but we are glad is that ‘the beginning has begun’.
Of deadlines, headlines and frown lines
“Dear Srikanth, Please prepare a-1,000 words article on ---------- for ------ client. We would need it by tomorrow.” “Dear Srikanth, Kindly write an authored article for ------- on ---------. Deadline is tomorrow.”
Free Dictionary defines deadlines as “A boundary line in a prison that prisoners can cross only at the risk of being shot.” Although am not a prisoner, the risk of being shot is real and grave. Easy to set, hard to keep, deadlines are those frightful time-lines that leave you dead if you cross the line. I am no stranger to deadlines. My career as a journalist spanning over 11 years was all about deadlines, headlines and the inevitable frown lines. Meeting a clear-cut deadline, especially with no proper guideline or a vague one-line on the storyline can be tough.
At Deccan Chronicle, my former editor, the lady Hitler as we used to call her in hush-hush tones, would scream at 10.30 pm, “Srikanta, move your butt,” reminding me of the deadline while I am still struggling to give a headline. I used to laugh it off and would whisper in my neighbor’s ears, “I would move my butt a thousand times if it produces a headline.” At TOI, the editor (Mr. Nag) would strike me with his deadly fangs as it clocked 11 pm, throwing tantrums at me leaving me all wired up. But each time, I was reminded of the deadline, I used to whistle and sing silently, “I’m writing some verse about mending, my deadline is soon and unbending. But alas I can’t fix it, and may have to nix it.” It's not that I don't like deadlines. At times, a deadline cannot bring out the storyline in a given timeline.
In the end, I must apologize for failing to meet the deadline on ‘deadline’ for Culture Curry.
An anecdote: On February 14, 1876, inventor Elisha Gray applied for a patent at two in the afternoon on a device he had invented. Gray’s patent was rejected. You see, just two hours earlier Alexander Graham Bell had applied for and been awarded a patent for a similar invention: the telephone. Had Elisha Gray been just two hours earlier, today we might be making calls via "Ma Gray." It pays to get important work done early!
About things which should have happened, but didn’t, and a few which did, but shouldn’t have!
We all keep pondering about things that happened in the past and most of us do wish that life had a rewind button so that we could go back and erase certain things that did happen or to re-live the moments again. But fortunately or unfortunately life does not have a rewind option, but that’s not going to stop us from talking about things which should have happened, but didn’t, and a few which did, but shouldn’t have. For example, there are certain movies we wish were never made, like Chandni Chowk to China, Kambakht Ishq and London Dreams; rather what should have happened is that the money invested to make these movies should have been donated to charity, that way some good would have come out of it. Talking about Bollywood let’s not forget the Karan Johar – Raj Thackeray fiasco. Karan Johar apologizing to Raj Thackeray should not have happened, what should have happened is that Karan ought to have told Thackeray to look into matters of state importance rather than pointing out activities done by cricketers and film makers forever. Moving to sports, one thing that we keep longing for year after year is India winning more matches! But whether they win or lose they will be worshipped for years to come.
Now, moving on to things that did happen but should not have. One major event was the swine flu epidemic and the constant rise in prices of gold and petrol. Not to forget, Karunanidhi winning the elections! It’s officially become a typical ‘buy-one-get-the-whole-family-free’ offer. You elect one person and the next minute the sons (of 2+ wives) and grandsons are running the State!
Well, this can go on and on - the list is endless. Right now majority of us are wishing that that the splitting of States does not happen; the Prime Minister like Christ says “Ask and it shall be given” and everyone asks for a State and if this happens, very soon India will go from 28 states to 56 states and similar to The United States of America and The United Kingdom, we will not be far from re-naming our nation - ‘The Divided States of India’.
Well the list is NEVER-ENDING, but practically nothing can change the past. The only thing we can do is hope that things will change for the better; Until then, let's work hard for it and don’t forget to party harder. Cheerz!

DOJ: 29/09/2009
Designation: Management Trainee
Intro: Hmmmmmm...Something about me... good question.
Well, just five words- Affectionate, Naughty, Jovial, Ultimate and finally a real Monkey. So by now you must have known who am I. And do you know why monkey, because I loooovvvee to imitate people, GOD!!! It’s so much fun, try it!
Everything about my likes and Dislikes...
Just short stories catch my eyes, the longer ones droooooolllll....oops.
The free sale that puts me off...advice sale!!
Always ready for adventure sports...anyone for bungee jumping???
Just hate hate hate shopping...i donno how do girls spend hours in that futile activity i only like one girl thingie and that GOSSIP!! What FUN
Well now coming to the serious part.... its been beautiful working at i9.....the best colleagues, the best mentors and the best team. well not to mention apart from PR i am also learning a lot about Films....hehehe
Thanking Blue Lotus for Every here comes the New Kid on the Blog :)

DOJ: 02/11/2009
Designation: Account Associate
Intro: Hi, I am Vanishka Lalwani and have been part of Blue Lotus family since 1st November 2009.
I am often complemented for two things 1. My unique name & 2. My unique phone J
Allow me to explain: the interpretation of my name ‘Vanishka’ suggests serene music of flute which matches quite my personality as I am often referred to as the most calm person around (people who know me will agree) and people who have seen my phone know about its uniqueness.
My hobbies are no different than usual … I love reading, watching movies, travelling, shopping, partying etc. There are very few things which can irritate me. Couple of them being bad breathe or body ordour...simply can’t stand it.
My experience at Blue lotus in past one month has been very comforting. People here are absolutely wonderful and helpful. One thing I love about this place is the space it gives to work at our best abilities and allows us to be ourselves.
Having lot of fun and looking forward for a superb ride…

DOJ: 02/11/2009
Designation: Account Dirctor
Intro: Vikram Singh Tanwer is working with Blue Lotus as an Account Director. Vikram brings a rich experience of 11 years in marketing & public relations and has worked with Agencies like Ogilvy PR, Text 100 and Mediacom He has also worked in Pharma sector with Cipla, Ranbaxy & Novartis looking after product sales.
Vikram holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration apart from PG diplomas in Event Management, Advertising & PR and Journalism.
Vikram is a big foodie and loves to hog on anything which grows and moves. He hates nothing because he believes everyone & everything is made by god and has a reason for its existence.
When he is not working, Vikram likes listening to music, cooking and workouts. One thing which he likes the most in Blue Lotus is his “TEAM” which is perfect blend of humor, sincerity and dedication.
DOJ: 21/09/2009
Designation: Research Executive
Intro: ‘Hi all, this is Pooja Dhoot Vyas, Research executive for Blue Bridge. Got so many things to write but to make it short, my experience with Blue Lotus (though for a short while) has been amazing. I have never seen, felt or heard of such a warm and friendly work place. Now I know even work can be enjoyed.
True to my sun sign i.e Pisces, I am an easy going and a fun loving person who is observant and friendly by nature. Rudeness and pessimism is what I dislike the most. Family, friends, dance, laughter is what adds fuel to my life every moment I live. In my spare time I love to choreograph Jive sequences or read some spiritual excerpts. I like life to be simple and lovely where I can enjoy every second of it to the fullest.’

DOJ: 03/12/2009
Designation: Branch Head
Intro: Hello BLUE LOTUSIs.
Hi. I am Sarla Samuel, the latest addition to the Blue Ocean of the Blue Lotus family at Ahmedabad. With a combined experience in advertising and pr of almost 18 years, I believe one is a learner – an Abhyasi – from day one to the last and am sure will continue to do so in the august company of you all.
Myth logically, we are believed to be a rare occurrence, but like they say, all things change with times, so in this part of the world; we are happily multiplying with each passing day, thanks to THE VISION OF MR. N CHANDRAMOULI. And wish that his pond is not only full with many more and rare NEELKAMALS but is bright and shining evermore. I, though have just gone afloat on December 3, am learning the art of blooming blue and intend to be the brightest and the bluest in the family. Wish me luck, guys. Thanks and same to you all. Bloom, bloo... oom….

DOJ: 23/11/2009
Designation: Sr. PR Executive
Intro: Hi…This is Vijay Chithra. I have completed my Masters in Electronic Media from Auxilium College, Vellore. I have 3 yrs of experience in PR industry.
It’s not been long since I joined. I find the working style is very different here when compared to my previous company.
I am very simple, talkative, possessive and a straight forward person. I like to help disabled and elderly people. I don’t like people who are dishonest.
My hobbies include reading books, watching TV and listening music.
Captured moments at Blue Lotus: Photo Feature
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We are fortunate enough to have our offices all across India and what better word to call the Company Newsletter than 'Culture Curry'.
So this time, along with the business article we have in this edition 'an endearing appetiser from the North', 'a tadka from the East', 'some masala to die for from the South' and finally the 'all essential garnishing from the West'.
So, enjoy this season's Culture Curry with an extra tang of Mustard!
Mustardians- the suave, and at times cocky lot, have always been the fun guys @ bluelotus.
Life has always been a roller coaster ride at Mustard, consistent business from clients has eluded the creative minds at Mustard and at times it has also been the other way round. The resultant pressures have taken their toll with the team strength reducing to a six members team. Any other team would have probably imploded given such adversity, but not Mustard.
Charlie had 3 angels (remember the movie “Charlie’s Angels”), we have 4- absolutely dynamic foursome with a “ready to die for Mustard” attitude.
And that’s helping in bringing a change in Mustard. We have always been primarily a print led creative and design unit, but now we are building capabilities to provide complete advertising solutions and implementing strategies. This includes producing Audio-Visuals, designing websites, developing marketing plans, BTL activation amongst others.
Some of our recent work include:
Ÿ Complete brand identity for Encirlce (previously Varun Air Services) and creating their website; Check them out at
Ÿ Product design for Birla Wellness and Brand identity for Birla Edutech, (we have wowed the head honcos at Yash Birla Group with our work)
Ÿ Brand identity and collaterals for ESS, Just for Hearts
Ÿ Audio Visual for ESS
Ÿ Television commercial for LPU (concept, story board, voice over and animation)
Ÿ Branding collaterals for our ongoing clients- Lapox and Asian Paints
Ÿ Marketing, printing and promotional activities for Lapox
We are entering the exciting field of activation as well, where we are going to promote Oceanic Consultants in 110 colleges and 22 malls in 11 cities across India.
These are thrilling times for Mustard. Most of the clients we have worked on the recent past are referred by Blue Lotus and we hope to receive the continuous support and encouragement from all.
Life is changing in Mustard and we are on a fast lane, having renewed our commitment to deliver quality and on time.
Monday, September 7, 2009

After the sun makes everything way too dry,
we crave for drops which will fall from the sky,
and fill our hearts with vigour and joy,
soon enough, the monsoon does come by.
Then its time for jalebi, pakodas, tea and coffee,
not to miss the the love birds that roam the locality,
or the pleasant weather with breezy velocity,
which engulfes the city with scenic beauty.
So far so good, but then the troubles begin,
water logged roads, jams and drenched skin,
to be followed with a lot of sneezing and coughing,
and conked off phones which suddenly stop ringing.
To love it or not is entirely your say,
after all, things are balanced both the ways,
all i can think of is "rain rain go away,
come again another day, little Johnny wants to play"
re everywhere in India and maybe in the South fans are a little bit more devoted to movies and movie stars.
Fan craze is at its heights where Rajnikanth is concerned. A true example of rags to riches story, from a bus conductor who was struggling to make ends meet he went on to become the Superstar. Today before the release of his movie, fans bathe huge cut-outs of Rajni with milk to show that they worship him, and sometimes milk is replaced with beer or whisky as well! Not to forget huge cut-outs of Rajnikanth are made with currency notes. Did anyone say India is a poor country? Think again!
Getting back to breaking norms, South Indian actors have also broken the stereotypes to a large extent. The heroines don’t have to be a size zero to be popular; on the contrary the more voluptuous women have temples built by fans exclusively for them. I mean that. Literally! There are temples built for Kushboo in Tiruchirapalli, and a temple Namitha in Nellai and for Nayantara in a place called Aravakurichi. To add to all this fans have also named white fluffy idlis as Kushboo idlis. You could probably try having some when you visit the south sometime .

It is a platter that substitutes a complete meal. A platter upon which lies a bed of finely boiled basmati rice, two sheekh kebabs, a line of soft pieces of chicken, reshmi kebab with the usual ‘kebabed’ onions and bell peppers, a poached egg, half grilled tomato, a sheet of cucumber and on top of it, three cubes of sinful butter which you possibly can't resist, high-maintenance diet notwithstanding.

Considered as the most elite restaurant of Kolkata, Peter Cat is a personal favourite for all age-groups in Kolkata. The multi-cuisine restaurant specializes in all kinds of sizzlers. The sound of sizzling becomes background music as after every 30 seconds a waiter, attired as a royal Durban, walks out of the kitchen holding a sizzler on his shoulder, ready to be served.
An ideal place for a quiet meal, Peter Cat promises an array of affordable dishes, drinks and desserts, of which the Large Tutty Fruity is a must order. Among the non-alcoholic drinks, one should always go for a fruit blossom. And, when in confusion looking at the huge menu, just close it and order for a Chello which comes at a very wallet-friendly.
They say if you have been in Kolkata and haven't been to Peter Cat, you haven't seen Kolkata. So the next time you are in the city, make sure you pay a visit to this classic restaurant which is sure to make your stay in the city a memorable one.

I was born in a middle class family. I was the reason for my mother’s constant concern and worry because I was really weak when I was young. When I completed 12th standard I gave up studies to start earning. I had to work because the conditions in my family were not that good. Responsibilities had come early in life and made me know the value of money and time. I know that I can sometime waste my money but not time because time never comes back.
After quitting studies, I decided to become a driver because I liked driving. I joined a transport company (Mhaske and Sons) where they had four trucks. I worked in that company as a cleaner (one who guards the truck and is an associate to the driver). I could get to take bath only twice a week and sometimes thrice because our truck used to travel all over Maharashtra and rarely got time to take bath. I used to sleep on the roof and cook food in the truck. I used to remember my mother and feel sad because I could not go home. In those two years I learned driving. It also taught me to live in any atmosphere. I learned the value of hard work in those days. In my childhood my mother used to work from morning 4 am to midnight 1pm for my education. She wanted to see me well settled. I had decided to fulfill her dream.
I joined Bluelotus as a driver to Mouli sir’s car. As his driver, I got to observe him closely. He worked hard and had passion for work. I took inspiration from him and decided to complete my education and learn more things. I studied journalism and decided to become a journalist and join a newspaper. But Mouli Sir noticed me and gave me an opportunity to join Blue Print team which is lead by Archana. I am sure Mouli sir has a six sense to recognize the ability of people. He is one of the best leaders.
BLCC had organized a party at Opera House where my name was announced for entering PR. Everybody had written good wishes on my shirt. I was on cloud nine that moment. I was so glad, I couldn’t sleep the whole night. Mouli sir had given the right direction to my career. He showed me the path to follow. I met such good person first time in my life.
BLCC is not just a PR agency or company, it’s factory- Mouli’s factory- where good people were created by Mouli sir. And each person who goes out from this factory I am sure can face any challenge in the world. I was learning new things in BLCC. I always told myself that this is a school not an office, so I have to keep learning more and more.
Every year there is an award function for at BLCC. There are five categories and my name announced for Best Turnaround of the Year award. I was surprised I had won the award. That was the first award I had won in my life. When I first told my mother about it, her eye’s filled with tears. My mother used to tell me to face the reality in any situation, don’t be afraid and keep learning in failures too. I kept in mind to always learn something different. And therefore I joined dance classes, acting class and gym to help me beat my stress and have a positive outlook to life.
God has given us this life and we should take care of it as if we have got it on rent. Everyone must work hard for make life joyful for them. If Hon.Manmohan Singh can start his day at 5am and finish at 1am, and Amitabh Bacchan can work 5am to midnight, when both of them have crossed their fifties, I am sure, so can we. I know it’s difficult but not impossible. At least we can honestly dedicate 8 hours to our organization I am sure everybody will be capable of achieving their goals and our factory will reach that certain level!
DOJ: 06/08/2009
Designation: Management Trainee (i9 communication)
Heyy! My name is Asad, and I have recently joined i9 Communications, the entertainment Branch of Blue Lotus. I finished my grads from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai after which I started studying PR. I like reading fiction and watching movies that make sense (and that doesn’t mean I am boring!). I cannot stand people who just go on talking unnecessarily; I mean it’s one thing to talk and another to go on and on aimlessly. I also like hanging out with friends, though, not much into clubbing. Oh yes, I hate tea; cannot even take the smell. And I continue to get terrified by dogs.
My experience so far at Blue Lotus has been amazing. I take my own time to open up, but the Bluelotus family has been very nice, kind and accommodating.
DOJ: 20/08/2009
Designation: Account Executive (i9 Communication)
So finally here I am ready to share my experience with all u guys.
I am a very cool, simple, easy going person, who’s always had an appetite to learn things from experience, seniors and the people that I interact.
I never think I am above or beneath anyone.
My Likes : I like going out with my friends, have a good time and enjoy drinks. I am an absolute ‘Cricket fanatic’, I love the battle the between Australia and England. I always like admiring people whenever they achieve some goal and get inspired from them. Also, I am a slightly selfish person with very little ‘EGO’.
Dislikes: I like to stay in calm atmosphere, so whenever I hear people screaming around me, I get slightly irritated.
I am very particular about work at times and the processes involved. So not willing to change what’s working.
Experience at Bluelotus has been good so far, I like working under my bosses.
DOJ: 10/08/2009
Designation: Executive Assistant to the CEO
Hi! This is Rajiv Khandelwal (referred hereto as RK), welcoming you to yet another episode of “An Encounter with Truth”. The guest of honour today is not a celebrity as such, but a well-known person among his friends. So, let me introduce you to Mrinal Kanti Banerjee, working with Blue Lotus Communications Pvt Ltd as an Exec. Asst. to the CEO, Mr. N Chandramouli.
So let’s start the game and in the process know him better…
R.K.- Where do you hail from Mr. Mrinal?
M- From Lucknow
R.K.- And you did your MBA form Mumbai?
M- Yes, From ITM , Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.
R.K.- Is it true Mr. Mrinal that before joining Blue Lotus, you had worked with two companies and that too with entirely different roles?
M - Yes, After shuttling in the financial sphere for two years tapping the doors of India Bulls Securities and Caliber point , I finally landed here.
R.K.- Is it true that you joined Blue Lotus because you felt connected?
M- Of Course, my name means Lotus and I like the color blue.
R.K.- Is it true that your favorite past time is sleeping?
M- Well, no it’s not sleeping but while reading a nice novel and listening to music, I do catch a wink or two.
R.K- How has your experience been there?
M- It’s been “Fun” @ “Work”
DOJ: 14/08/2009
Designation: Account Executive(Print)
What’s in a Name!
Hey, my name is ‘Manikantan’! Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. The name is a bit unusual. I’ve raised quite a few eyebrows while saying my name out before people. I’m asked to repeat the name, repeat it twice and sometimes even spell it out. Finally they get it! Or do they? Last month I got an formal email from a batch mate. And guess what? . . . It said “Dear Moneykantan”. Yeah, a lot of them think my name’s got something to do with ‘money’. How ironic! While schooling in Kuwait, they called me by currency names. You know; Dollar, Dinar, Rupee . . . The list is endless. And then there are those conniving cousins in Kerala, who call me “Kandan Poocha”. No matter what, I’m supposed to take all this sportingly. After all ‘what’s in a name’, they say. But don’t you want to know what ‘Manikantan’ actually means? Well, alright . . . May be some other time!
OH Freak!!! It’s Friday again!!! This was the mood on that day, the 28th of August 2009- A FriADy. Design team Mustard had the onus of organizing it and they did a great job. They created and maintained an element of surprise all through.
Usually everybody out here has his/her own dream team with which we participate in the various functions and contests that are organized. But the Design team hated Dream Teams. They pulled us out of our dream teams, our safety corners, reshuffled and rejumbled us. There is a saying: “Get the show going” and Team Musturd did it in its literal sense. They named the teams after Express Trains to set us all rolling. They had out of the world names like: Juinagar Express, Kalamboli Express etc
The whole show was a hit right from the word Go!! There was near-full participation with tons of enthusiasm. I say near-full because one of the Express team had to pull out. Actually due to low passenger traffic the train had to be cancelled. But otherwise, everything was perfect. Fun was the main item on Menus of all the Expresses and everybody savored it in excessive quantities. In all, it was a great journey to be had. All the branches had participated in the event and had loads of fun.
And the Winners is-
but specifically, for Mumbai-
· Best Team: Juinagar Express (Product: Remote)
· Punchline - Just put IT IN
· Scripting - Office tension, deadlines tension, hectic work schedule, irritating client work… Just put in all your worries in this dustbin. “Our Multi purpose dustbin with multiple uses”
For Delhi:
- Punch line – 5 out of 10
- Script – 7 /10
- Acting Talent – 9 / 10
- Involvement of the team – 9 / 10
- Total – 30 out of 40
- Punch line – 4 out of 10
- Script – 5 /10
- Acting Talent – 8 / 10
- Involvement of the team – 9 / 10
- Total – 26 out of 40
For Chennai:
Karthik- Concept/Product: Quick penLive ad done by Mr.Karthik about the ink flow in the Quick pen.Convinced on targeting school children.Punch Line : WRITE IT, MIND ITAverage score on all parameters is 5 ( 1 is very good and 10 is bad)
Karumbu- Concept/Product: Fairness CreamPartially convinced Punch Line: NO WHITE BY BORN, NO WORRIES CARRY OUR CREAMEARLIER HOW WAS I? NOW HOW AM I?Considering his level, given average score of 5 ( 1 is very good and 10 is bad)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Happy to Help!
Happy To Help!
A successful organization does not solely rest on those dealing directly with clients but it rests on every shoulder which is back stage yet whose presence is upfront and critical, just like our energetic and spirited office assistants. They are the backbone of the company, run from pillar to post just to make our work and world less stressful. There has been many editions of Culture curry where we have written about various teams. Therefore this time we take this opportunity to write about our Rocking boys in Blue.
Well to begin with, let’s start with the Sardar of the bandwagon.
Just not leader by name, he is indeed a leader by virtue.
Spell ‘Thane media’ and the boy knows it all; he’s almost a champion is handling any media relations related to the sector. Undoubtedly he is hardworking and always ready to deliver, he has shown remarkable interest just not in his own field but strives to know and learn about various issues related to the clients. Though he is amongst the oldest member in Blue Lotus, what makes him a leader is not the years he spends but the contributions he made to the organization.
Last but not the least ‘Prashant your hair style simply rocks’.
Five minutes in Blue Lotus and you are sure to hear voices calling out ‘Laltu’. He is indeed the rossogolla of the organization. Every morning the boy ardently remembers his hometown and begins his day by reading the Bengali newspaper ‘Anand Bazar Patrika’. He just not reads he is our reporter too who translates every news with the same emotions in hindi ( btw his hindi is equally good). He is the also the 2 minute Maggie man of Blue lotus, anyone wants to have Maggie just call Laltu. The boy has completed his higher secondary education with flying colors and is now pursuing his higher education from Kalina University.
Laltu you are indeed the ‘brightest smile’ of this family.
If not Laltu, the next name that comes to anyone’s mind is the little sondesh boy of Blue lotus ‘Poltu’. Laltu and Poltu have almost become family to this organization. Unlike Laltu, Poltu is the thinking man, who talks less and if ever poked or asked something, he splashes a radiant smile. What surprises most of us is his high voltage energy; the boy runs up and down more than 10 times a day and yet never says ‘no’.
All we can say is ‘Poltu thanks for all the morning coffees’.
‘Handsome, Humble and Hardworking’, Haroon is a blend of all. He is ambitious and his strive to rise beyond his normal call of duty is what makes him different from the others. Haroon is highly qualified and is being groomed to join the Media Networking team in future.
For Haroon all we have is our best wishes, ‘Way to go Haroon’ we know you will make it.
‘He’s a jolly good fellow, He’s a jolly good fellow’…
Our Ramji is absolutely full of life and yes a big time chatter box. He joined the organization as a driver but later was shifted to Blue Point where he proved his efficiency. He is our popular delivery boy, who hops from one end of the city to the other without a question or hesitation.
Though we might say that Ram talks a lot but still we like him the way he is.
He is the man by the bay, he knows every move of the sea and if you are a lover of fish, then just call Ashok and he will get you the best fish recipes. He is well equipped about every minute detail about the locality. His light hearted character and ready to help attitude is admired by everyone in office. Last but not the least how can we forget his ‘Bhajiyas’.
Btw, even Mouli sir loves the bhajiyas
From Latur to blue bytes, his journey was quite remarkable. Datta had pursued his B.A from Nanded (Maharashtra). In 2007 Datta joined Bluelotus Communications as an office assistance in Pune but in a very short span he proved his skill and diligence and graduated to blue bytes as media tracking and operations executive.
Well in him we already can see a budding journalist.
Ramesh Desai - Ahmedabad
Simple, sweet and shy; that’s how Ramesh is. Ask him about his pretty wife and he turns pink. When it comes to work, he is absolutely perfect and probably he is amongst the few who value the miraculous virtue of punctuality. Simple at heart and always ready with a smile, he is indeed a great person to work with.
Chandan Thakur– Delhi
He is funny, he is forgetful, and he reminds you of the movie Ghajini. Ask him to do something and after a few moments, it’s erased from his memory. His name is actually Chandan Chandan CHANDAN!! Now thats because he doesnt ever listen to his name on one call.
Despite all of this, he is a gem of a person and his presence adds to the charm of the office. Be it working late night during events, or getting something to eat at odd hours, he is the man you can count upon.
All we can say is ‘His presence matters more than anything else’.
Dinesh – Bangalore
He is new entry to the team, and soon we would discover some interesting facts about him too but for now all we know is Dinesh is a quiet, innocent and an extremely hard working individual.
Gourhari Mondal- Kolkata
Believe it or not, Blue lotus is ruled by the women power who wins the majority in almost every branch, well it might not bother many but definitely it bothers our simple yet adorable Gourhari. He is a confused individual and ‘ma go ma’ that’s how he feels about the power puff girls of Kolkata.
Karthik – Hyderabad
Worked with ICICI BANK as office assistant for a year prior to his association with Blue Lotus Communications. The heat of Global recession had its impact on Karthik too and like many others he was also asked to go on sabbatical by his higher officials in the month of January 09. It was then that Karthik approached Blue Lotus Communications (Hyderabad office) for a job opening; his profile was further reviewed by the HR and approved for induction into team Blue Pearl as office assistant in the month of February.
This is how we discovered our humble, honest and hard working Karthik.
Mr. Kollapuri - Chennai
Enter the Chennai office and the first thing that would greet you, will be a bright and warm smile, so that’s Mr. Kollapuri. He is oldest member of the Chennai branch and therefore he is close to everyone in office. When it comes to work, he is sincerity personified and when it comes to cracking jokes and lifting the environment he is simply outlandish.
Chennai office without him is absolutely unimaginable.
Understanding, Managing and Using Information
Understanding, Managing, Using Information- Key business drivers for PR.
bluebytes, as a service, finds great acceptance by corpcomms and PR professionals wherever we are able to showcase it. However the challenge for us is to create awareness, with minimal spend, and reach out to present this service to the entire PR community.
With this intention of creating awareness and building the brand, bluebytes hosted an event that targeted PR community.
PR professionals are amongst the biggest consumers of information, so the theme of the event revolved around understanding, managing and using information.
A sustained pre-event marketing campaign touched base with over 400 senior consultants from 170+ PR agencies in Mumbai (Heck! Even you wouldn’t know so many agencies existed in Mumbai!).
In order to build a high profile for the event, we had Dun & Bradstreet who readily agreed to be our knowledge partner. That added more credence to the event. D & B COO, Kaushal Sampat, took a personal interest in the event and was amongst the star speakers at the event. The credibility of the event was further enhanced with Oracle taking the other speaker slot.
Creating a buzz for the event and for bluebytes was as important to us as that of getting the relevant audience to attend the event. Thanks to Sachin Bhosle we had 5 persons dedicatedly working on datamining, calling and inviting the prospects. Dun & Bradstreet on their part lent their might in managing the entire leads and invites.
The event marketing was focused on creating a buzz about the event and we made extensive use of social media like LinkedIn, Forums etc. I did a dipstick survey with the PR agencies and was thrilled to find people talking about the event and eager to participate. However due to limitation on the number of seats we had to restrict the participation to the heads and senior persons, the decision makers, from the agencies.
Friday, 26th of June was the D-Day. This day provided a rare opportunity for PR agencies in Mumbai to congregate on a single forum and learn how to manage information.
Harish and his team made great arrangements and the venue chosen for the event drew appreciation from all present. The backdrops and standees designed by Team Mustard were simply brilliant and exemplified the theme of Understanding, Managing and Using Information.
Bhushie (Bhushan Gupta) took the mantle to manage the venue together with the help of the beautiful ladies- Shikha, Pournima, Zankruti and Pallavi, all dressed in lovely black saris with gold Zari border, adding the glamour quotient to the event. The MC for the evening was Pallavi, who at a very short notice, did a wonderful job.
It gladdens the heart to see such enthusiastic new joinees- Pallavi and Zankruti along with others who readily contributed much beyond their call of duty. What was also gratifying for me, apart from this event successfully reaching out to over 400 senior PR professionals, was to see the way all came together as a group to help.
This was our first attempt to host an event and surely there will be many more in the near future. Delhi, Bangalore, here we come…
Blue Bridge
Blue Bridge was fortunate enough to be associated with all the teams across India, to work with their clients from different backgrounds with varied requirements. This experience of working with different clients for Blue Lotus further encouraged the team to dwell deep into the field and take independent clients as well.
Today Blue Bridge is a full service Market Research Company with hands on both Qualitative studies like Concept/ Ad Testing, Product Research, Brand Research, Packaging/ Design Testing & Quantitative Studies like Employee Perception Study, Customer Perception Study, Customer Satisfaction Study, Pricing Study, Brand tracking, Pre & Post launch testing of an advertisement.
The team includes Sachin Bhosle (Team leader), Subhash Dalvi (Research Executive) & Zankruti Doshi (Research Executive). Also Blue Bridge has a strong field support of freelancers across India who are ready to take up a research project at any given time.
Kailasa Chaandan Mein
Prathamesh Pathak takes us through this melodious journey of the Kailasa...
Kailasa Chaandan Mein…A Musical Odyssey
Kailasa, a name synonymous to quality music, has recently launched its third album “Chaandan Main”. This album has classical, folk, sufi, jazz and a touch of rock. Combining all these genres together in a single album is no mean task, but Kailasa has done it competently. The secret lies in the use of instruments. The instruments Kailasa used to create music are Bass Guitar, Electronic Guitar, Drums, Santoor, Sitar, Sarod, Tabla, Sanvadini, Ektari, Mandolin, Dafali, Flute, Saxophone, Chordphone, Ghungroo and many percussion instruments.
Here once again Kailash Kher steals the show with his amazing earthy voice, charismatic rendition of sargams, soulful harkati in the songs and the touchy lyrics! He has the ability to pick a song on off-beat and complete the circle to meet “Sum (The first beat of taal)”. He makes listeners revolve around the beats especially in the songs like Na Batati tu and Kar kar main. No doubt the title track “Chaandan Mein” remains top of the mind because of its effective use of guitar and drums and percussions to support the beats. There are songs in the album where Kailash Kher comes out as a fabulous lyricist, to mention a couple, Teri yaad and Kar kar main. Check this amazing 1st stanza of Kar kar main:-
“Yu to teri yaad main bhi swad hain tera,
Par aankhoko manaoo kis tarah,
Hothoki majal kya jo kare ye sawal,
Par dil ko main samzaoo kis tarah,
Sat ya asat hain ye main kya janoo,
Jaise saanse tere bina hui goom,
Kar kar main hara har jatan,
Teri tadap terihi lagan,
Parda ye jab hat jayega,
Ambar ko dhartise milaunga main…”
Kailash Kher learnt folk music from his father. People who inspired him to move to Sufi and Classical music are Ustad Nusrat Fateh ali Khan and Kumar Gandharva. And this fact you can witness in his songs Piya ghar awega and Bheeg gaya mera mann. There is an amazing symphony of classical and western instruments to support the solid words. But the USP of the album as the previous remains Kailash, Paresh and Naresh. They succeeded in differentiating what instruments can do for them, also understanding for the particular mood of the song and which instrument will suit it best. Like with the song related to rains, there is a use of Flute and Tabla “Bol”, for songs coming close to Sufi, Mandolin is used with percussions, for songs with Folk touch, Ektari (An instrument like guitar but having a single string) and Dafali is used.
All in all a very good album to listen to and to have at shelf as a classic collection. One can surely say this band did not disappoint us and gives value for money.
So guys, Monsoon is here, stand at window, smell the rains, have a hot coffee at hand, and feel “Kailasa Chaandan Mein”…… amazing combination.
P.S -
Songs you must listen in Monsoon:
1. Bheegi Bheegi Raton mein- Leslie Lewis-
2. Rimzim gire sawan – Manzil (1979)
3. Rimzim Rimzim Rumzum Rumzum – 1942 A Love Story (1994)
4. Ab ke Sawan aise bares- Shubha Mudgal
5. Barse kyun barsaat – Khoobsurat (1998)
6. Chak dhoom dhoom – Dil to Pagal Hain (1997)
7. Sawan bares tarse dil – Dahek (1999)
Enjoy the monsoon.
Experiencing 'Farm Life'
Experiencing ‘Farm Life‘
The appointed day for our picnic was the first Saturday of June. We left office at 12.30 pm to catch the 1.42 pm Karjat train. Only a few people had lunch and rest had to manage with the Vada–Samosa Pav at the station. We purchased second-class tickets for all and as soon the train arrived, we jumped in and took our seats. Mouli took the third seat. We asked him to sit on the window or second seat but he kept on insisting, “I m fine, I m fine”. The journey was two hours long, which I am used to, but for the rest of them, they kept on asking me how much time more to reach. At Thane, Piyush joined us and immediately the atmosphere changed. We followed his initiation and then started cracking jokes to the enjoyment of all. With the chitter-chatter and jokes we finally reached Neral station, where a car cum tempo was awaiting our arrival to take us to Farm Life. We were 16 in number and along with our luggage we were wondering how on earth we all will fit in. Even though we were unsure, the driver was confident about the capacity of his vehicle. A little adjustment here, a little compromise there, finally we all were inside the vehicle and on our way to our priced destination, a 20 minutes drive to Farm Life.
Our first impression of Farm Life was that of shock. A culture shock of sorts in the form of something which did not at all resemble anything that was on the website. We kept asking ourselves whether we are at the right place or the pictures on their site were from somewhere else. Shikha and myself, we were both horrified. There was no scope for anything to be done now and we finally decided to stay.
It was a good decision we thought later. Though the place was not up to our expectations, it was not that bad. The time we spent there was enjoyed by all of us. Our aim of having fun was achieved. Our childhood memories were refreshed when we played Pittu, Chain-chain, etc. Pittu was fun; everyone made their own rules. We set two teams with Shikha the
Once out of the pool, we satiated our appetite with delicious Chicken and Bakri, cooked on the chulha (wooden stove). The food was amazing with smoke taste. The major part of the night was spent in the pros playing ‘Teen Patti’ and the other enjoying or attempting Dumb Charades. Sachin was the winner in Teen Patti. The only loss was the breaking of a chair at the end of the game. He introduced us to two new words- ‘Rawas’ and ‘Fancy’ which we came to know meant nice. So, whenever we met Sachin, we greeted each other with, “Hi Rawas…how’s everything…ekdum Fancy na….”
Next day we all woke up late and had sumptuous breakfast. We all entertained ourselves with some time pass till lunch time and then left Farm Life. We came back with fond memories of Farm Life and the wonderful time we had together.
Shalini Sasi
Starting off with a general intro about myself; I, Shalini Sasi, joined Blue Lotus on 22nd of June 09 in the HR Department. Prior to Blue Lotus I was working with Reliance Money in the HR Dept and have a total work exp of 3.4 yrs. About my Educational Qualification, I have done my Graduation from S.I.E.S College in Commerce stream and opted for Diploma specialized in HR from Welingkar’s.
I am basically from Kerala
, but born and bought up in Navi Mumbai. My family consists of my papa, mom, elder sister who is married and is blessed with a baby boy. As a person I am friendly and fun loving. My hobbies include Outdoor sports like volley ball, throw ball, basket ball. I love to travel but most importantly music. Because, it’s my life!
My name is Annie. I have completed my Masters in Public Relations from Stella Maris College. It's been exactly 11 days since I have joined, and so far I have been having fun because I have still not got entangled in the web of deadlines and client demands.
To say a little more about me, I'm a 100% Chennaiite, my idea of chilling out is to hang out with friends at the Beach on Saturday evenings. I listen to a lot of music and I love to dance, which I'm just learning now. I'm simple, straight-forward and there are two things that I believe in.
1) Good things come in small packages because I'm just 5 ft, and 2) In life whether I win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.
As a fresher I'm hoping to have a good learning experience here at Blue Lotus and earn some money.
Samantha Audrey Natasha Andrade (do forgive the exhaustive name!) am delighted to have been given the opportunity to introduce myself to the ever-so-ebullient lot of Blue Lotus.
I have a background in Biotechnology (Mount Carmel College, Bangalore) and a keen interest in PR, essentially for the healthcare industry and public health. I hail from Mangalore but I’ve spent most of my life in the lovely island of Bahrain, which is where I had my upbringing.
Singing, dancing, reading, eating, acting crazy, laughing loudly, complaining occasionally and listening to intelligent people- all feature on my hobby list…Oh I missed out on one more. Side excursion. You know the thing that happens when someone’s talking to you and your mind wanders elsewhere? Yeah! Exactly.
The one thing I dislike the most is the flavor Butterscotch (I cannot fathom why the world immortalizes it!)…The other thing I abhor is a male chauvinist. I get irritated easily and it is more often than not triggered by myself so I’d rather not delve into that.
Spare time calls for spare treats and I don’t think twice here! I always hit the sack for a nap and the 40 winks first graduate to a 1000. This goes on increasing exponentially until I am “REST assured”!
I love the work environment at Blue Lotus and I am amazed by how amicable and open everyone is, right from the office boy to the CEO! It’s a constant learning process for me here that is always made so interesting with the occasional perky antics of my light-hearted colleagues and team leader. Oh…May I also mention that I’m thrilled with the fact that no one has ragged me yet (I so hope this isn’t an invitation for trouble!!)
Looking forward to every minute here in BL, exploring and growing with every professional adventure and challenge, giving its endeavours my very best and formulating my own interesting perky antics to add a feather to its charm!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here.
Petrina = Rock. Yes, that is what my name means. Also the feminine form of Peter, Petrina is a person who loves variety and change. I am drawn to the fast paced electric life of Mumbai city but also like to return to my nest – the quieter, calmer Navi Mumbai that I call home.
My likes: Rock climbing, Sunsets, the Sea, chocolate, hazelnuts, music, dance, weddings, the monsoons!
My dislikes: 4th seat in the crowded trains!
My experience so far at i9 Communications Pvt Ltd. has been a very fruitful one. My cooperative and very patient team is helping me understand the P of PR and making each day a new learning experience. I believe my experience here will give me a head start to a successful and rewarding career.