DOJ: 06/08/2009
Designation: Management Trainee (i9 communication)
Heyy! My name is Asad, and I have recently joined i9 Communications, the entertainment Branch of Blue Lotus. I finished my grads from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai after which I started studying PR. I like reading fiction and watching movies that make sense (and that doesn’t mean I am boring!). I cannot stand people who just go on talking unnecessarily; I mean it’s one thing to talk and another to go on and on aimlessly. I also like hanging out with friends, though, not much into clubbing. Oh yes, I hate tea; cannot even take the smell. And I continue to get terrified by dogs.
My experience so far at Blue Lotus has been amazing. I take my own time to open up, but the Bluelotus family has been very nice, kind and accommodating.
DOJ: 20/08/2009
Designation: Account Executive (i9 Communication)
So finally here I am ready to share my experience with all u guys.
I am a very cool, simple, easy going person, who’s always had an appetite to learn things from experience, seniors and the people that I interact.
I never think I am above or beneath anyone.
My Likes : I like going out with my friends, have a good time and enjoy drinks. I am an absolute ‘Cricket fanatic’, I love the battle the between Australia and England. I always like admiring people whenever they achieve some goal and get inspired from them. Also, I am a slightly selfish person with very little ‘EGO’.
Dislikes: I like to stay in calm atmosphere, so whenever I hear people screaming around me, I get slightly irritated.
I am very particular about work at times and the processes involved. So not willing to change what’s working.
Experience at Bluelotus has been good so far, I like working under my bosses.
DOJ: 10/08/2009
Designation: Executive Assistant to the CEO
Hi! This is Rajiv Khandelwal (referred hereto as RK), welcoming you to yet another episode of “An Encounter with Truth”. The guest of honour today is not a celebrity as such, but a well-known person among his friends. So, let me introduce you to Mrinal Kanti Banerjee, working with Blue Lotus Communications Pvt Ltd as an Exec. Asst. to the CEO, Mr. N Chandramouli.
So let’s start the game and in the process know him better…
R.K.- Where do you hail from Mr. Mrinal?
M- From Lucknow
R.K.- And you did your MBA form Mumbai?
M- Yes, From ITM , Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.
R.K.- Is it true Mr. Mrinal that before joining Blue Lotus, you had worked with two companies and that too with entirely different roles?
M - Yes, After shuttling in the financial sphere for two years tapping the doors of India Bulls Securities and Caliber point , I finally landed here.
R.K.- Is it true that you joined Blue Lotus because you felt connected?
M- Of Course, my name means Lotus and I like the color blue.
R.K.- Is it true that your favorite past time is sleeping?
M- Well, no it’s not sleeping but while reading a nice novel and listening to music, I do catch a wink or two.
R.K- How has your experience been there?
M- It’s been “Fun” @ “Work”
DOJ: 14/08/2009
Designation: Account Executive(Print)
What’s in a Name!
Hey, my name is ‘Manikantan’! Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. The name is a bit unusual. I’ve raised quite a few eyebrows while saying my name out before people. I’m asked to repeat the name, repeat it twice and sometimes even spell it out. Finally they get it! Or do they? Last month I got an formal email from a batch mate. And guess what? . . . It said “Dear Moneykantan”. Yeah, a lot of them think my name’s got something to do with ‘money’. How ironic! While schooling in Kuwait, they called me by currency names. You know; Dollar, Dinar, Rupee . . . The list is endless. And then there are those conniving cousins in Kerala, who call me “Kandan Poocha”. No matter what, I’m supposed to take all this sportingly. After all ‘what’s in a name’, they say. But don’t you want to know what ‘Manikantan’ actually means? Well, alright . . . May be some other time!
let us know what's Manikantan means? waiting........
okiez, ur wait ends here... Manikantan is the nick name of one of the Gods worshipped in South India!
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