Monday, February 1, 2010


The Oxford dictionary defines blues as a state of depression or melancholy, a state of sadness. In German, to be blue is to be drunk. Blues is also about a raucous dance music that celebrates pleasure and success.

For the Blue Team, however, blues is anything but melancholy. While 2009 plunged several companies into the state of blues, the Blue Team was all about merry, song and dance, rhythm and music. This New Year, the Blue Team redefined the word blues with the annual awards extravaganza --- ‘The Blues’.

Blues is about team spirit, Blues is about camaraderie, Blues is about warmth, Blues is about bonding, Blues is about inspiration, Blues is about motivation, Blues is about nostalgia. The glitzy night of the Blues on January 10 was all this and much more. As the 7 colors converge to make one bright white light with the purity and strength of each, the 7 years of Blue Lotus lend credence to this year, ‘the year of resurgence’ making this edition of Blues a walk down the memory lane, a recall of the glorious seven years gone-by. It was a night of convergence and resurgence.

With long lost colleagues finding themselves under one roof again, cheering at seeing their old pictures on an audio-visual, nostalgia and joy were palpable. In the end, the most deserving won the Blue accolades. The after party saw people dance and sing Karaoke, gorged on delicious food, wine flowed and spirits were high.

As we present the first edition of Culture Curry in 2010 we take this opportunity to thank all those who made this event possible, enjoyable and fun for all of us. Come and relive the Blues with us.

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