Monday, February 1, 2010

The Winners take it all...

Wayne Ferrao - Best Turnaround of the year
Winning the turnaround of the year at the Blues gives me a sense of achievement and an endorsement of the fact that I am moving in the right direction. Moving into i9 has thought me commitment and focus. I live life by one principle “Winning and losing are part of life, and though I may lose it will never be because I have not tried enough” going by this I have constantly strived to excel and be the best that I can ever be. This award means a lot to me and however, what is important is the journey and not arriving, landmarks are just like stations you can’t stay there it’s important to move on. I would like to thank the Blues Jury, Mouli, Subhash and my team for supporting me and this would not be possible without them.

Prateek Shah - Award for Creativity
“I thought, thought, thought and thought. But no matter how much I thought, I could not think of a thought which could match the thought that occurred to all those thoughtful souls who thought of voting and selecting me for the ‘Best Creativity Award’. Then I thought of thanking people individually, but that turned out to be a bad thought, because I will definitely leave someone out from my short span of thought. This award is deeply cherished and it belongs to all those people who have contributed in helping me win this.”

Subhash Pais - Spirit of Entrepreneurship
Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running --- African Proverb

Running i9 taught me that entrepreneurship is about survival as much as it is about creative thinking. I believe that entrepreneurship is beyond the rat race for material success. For me, entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey and i9 gave me the required dose of inner strength, courage and above all an abundance of joy. Over the years, I have seen myself grow spiritually because of this journey called i9. I think, feel and react much differently now. Indeed, winning in a fierce category with fierce competition is an awesome feeling. We started i9 from the scratch. Today, we have been able to create mindshare, build a very unique team. The sense of responsibility that I have in terms of managing work and managing the people is overwhelming. This has been the single greatest achievement that I have been able to make in the last two years. It has expanded my mind to greater possibilities. I would like to thank everyone again for showing trust in me and my team. Lastly, I am boundlessly grateful to the votes and the jury for acknowledging my work and efforts.

Indira Dutta - Best Debut of the Year
Yes I Expected it……………!!

6th Jan 2009 at 9:00 AM in the morning, my journey to the ‘Best Debutant of the year’ started…. They say for a copywriter words flow easy but when the occasion is to pen down feelings then even words fail to do justice.

And the ‘Best Debut of the Year’ goes to…. (Silence, my heart said yes, it can be you, mind confronted, don’t be so sure and finally as always the heart won over the mind). Flashes of all the big and small events that plotted to drive me towards the award came before me, a series of disappointments, a bundle of small and big achievements and a bright ray of hope always shinning through…

I expected it and yes without a doubt I felt on top of the world, smiles overflowing and with every ‘congratulations’ I felt my joy leaping all bounds.

Well, the next moment when I sat to share my joy with my diary, I was left wondering about what really made me the most deserving candidate and I could not think of myself in isolation from the people who helped me earn the title of the ‘best debutant’. This article gives me a chance to thank all the Mustardians (Piyush, Priya, Sneha, Sampada and the new talents Sachin and Mille). Without them, the battle of the impossible could not have been won.

The journey does not end here. With reward come expectations, expectations to outperform the previous achievements and achieve new milestones.

Thanks to those who voted for me…I promise to live up to your votes. With this just remembered few of my favorite lines… ‘The woods are lovely, dark and deep…But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep’

Thank You

Piyush Jain (Mustard Communications) - Team Spirit

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally - David Frost

So apt, so true!!! Indeed, persistence is the cornerstone of success. For Mustard the “Team Spirit of the Year” award if it can be defined, this would be it. A team that most had given up on. A business that never showed any profit. But we mustard enough courage and fortitude to achieve what we achieved. Giving up has never been in the dictionary of Mustard. Like Obama’s slogan, every Mustardian believed in ‘Yes we can do it’. Indeed, we could do it. Of course it helps when adversity is staring at your face. But it takes fierce determination, gallons of strength and above all camaraderie amongst the team to overcome all challenges. This could not have been possible without the passion and love each Mustardian carried in his heart. Here’s saluting all the brave-hearts at Mustard and the common thread of “believe to achieve” that binds us all as a family in Blue Lotus. I’d like to end this with an inspiring quote by Dale Carnegie: Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.

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