The New Year seems to have got off to a fine start. For one, Mumbai seems to have acquired a new season: winter. Yes, it hasn’t been this chilly in Mumbai in a long, long time. The jackets and sweaters and woolen caps are out in full strength, summoned suddenly after an extended lay-off. Understandably the air is rife with the smell of mothballs. But no one’s complaining. People are making the most of this sudden dip in temperature. Everyone knows it’s only a matter of days before summer strikes full force.
Blue Lotus too, is off to a fine start. The first real event of the year was the Team Leaders’ conference, held in a rather cozy resort in Matheran. The first two days were devoted to presentations and discussions, chalking up short-term and long-term goals for the company. According to sources, it was an intense, gruelling session. The final day was given up to a special training program on the benefits of Neuro-linguistic Programming. Sunayana has captured the whole thing rather nicely in her write-up. Not that the offsite was all work and no play. Darshan, Biswajit and a few others discovered the joys of gambling at high altitude. Darshan has written a delightful piece on his gambling experience. It’s a must-read.

Saturday training sessions are also shaping up rather well. The music-based session with Mr. S.Balachander was especially enjoyable. It was nice to see a senior executive from the corporate world being able to continue his love affair with music. It shows that if you have true inclination, you will find ways to follow your passion. Lack of time is hardly an excuse for not doing the same. The Nature Club too invited a ‘bird-watching’ expert to deliver a lecture recently. Keep up the good work we say.
Business is on as usual. Team Blue Flame won two accounts in a single day. After success with The Economist, Mustard is now pursuing a Dutch angle. And Blue Bytes is continually gaining in momentum. Promises to be an exciting year, 2008.
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