Thursday, November 29, 2007



This story was contributed by Tapash, Training Manager, Blue Lotus PR.

In any form of industry, companies always aim for forward and backward integration in their business in order so as to function in a more efficient way. The PR industry is no exception and we are in a constant search of fine tuning this process. Usually speaking there would be a single owner for the all the vertically linked companies. This requires substantial investments and an ability to take risks. That brings us to the supply chain management. In our industry, it’s the media and clients which along with PR agencies complete the chain.

How to develop such a network is best understood by interacting with experts, who’re themselves part of such an integrated system. Under the program, ‘GuruSpeak’, we aim to meet the above stated objectives. M.G. Arun, Chief of Bureau, Financial Express, was invited to address our first GuruSpeak session. Not only was the session insightful and eye-opening, it also helped our people build a nice rapport with him.

Mr. Arun guided us on how, when and what to speak to a journalist, be it a senior pro or a greenhorn. His insights on the changing media and communications scenario and the challenges therein, and on how a business newspaper functions was something everyone benefited from.

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